Saturday, May 3, 2014

Photos of yacht voyages 1987-2013, photo essay, description of published voyage narratives


These eight photos come from some 40 photo albums I've kept over the years. I encourage readers to choose images, stories, anecdotes, voyages that they want to hear about and let me know, and I'll write about them.

Trips I've already published stories about include:
  • Trans-Pacific on S/Y (sailing yacht) Stornoway from Panama to New Zealand, 1993-1994
  • Trans-Atlantic on S/Y Chebec Antigua to Belgium, 1991
  • Mombasa Kenya to Zanzibar, Tanzania on a native Dhow, April 1992
  • Nassau to Morgan's Bluff Andros and back on a water tanker, 1995
  • Singapore to Vishakaptanam (Vizag) India and back on a product tanker, 1995-1996

There are myriad other voyages you can choose from, all listed on the first post on this blog. I will try to keep the text short - 2 pages, about 1,000 words - so that all of the experiences get equal treatment. 

Good friend, sailor & chef Ed Galla holding S/Y Anore to the dock, Falmouth Harbour Antigua, May 1999.

Crossing the Atlantic in the teeth of a 2-week 67+-knot storm (near hurricane), May 1991. S/Y Chebec, I was Mate at age 20. It took us 21 days Bermuda to Nieuwpoort, Belgium. my longest, roughest passage.

Aboard Chebec in St. George's Bermuda, spring 1991, age 20. Photo by a new friend whose scooter I helped pull out of the harbor while we were clearing the yacht through immigration and customs.

The banner for Echo Yacht Delivery ("Echo" is simply for "Eric") a firm I founded in 1999 and which is still in operation 15 years later out of Bristol, Rhode Island. The yellow Quarantine or "Q-flag" is flying above the Bermuda courtesy or guest ensign on the starboard spreader. We have just arrived - watch out, pubs!

A broken boom on an unfortunate motor-sailor yacht in St. George's c.2001. On that passage from Newport to Bermuda on the S/Y Envoy we had 40+ knots every day and made the passage in 72 hours, the fastest trip of some 30 I've made to or from Bermuda.

A calm day between Antigua and Bermuda, with the hull and limp sails of the S/Y Sharazad reflected off the placid surface of the sea. 

End of the day: sunset off the fishing and mail-boat-owning center of Sandy Point Abaco, only recently connected to the rest of Great Abaco by a road. This was in December, 1991. 

Gale conditions: This is an X-boat braving winds over 47 knots and a feisty sea state in the Gulf Stream. We were on the much larger 57' Bristol S/Y Galatea but this little boat with a young Danish crew tenaciously kept up with us, even through this difficult blow Note they only have the head-sail and are still probably making 8 knots. 

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